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5 Tips for Finding the Motivation to Get Out of Bed


December 21, 2022

Finding the motivation to get out of bed

Recently it has been getting harder and harder for some of us to get out of bed – cold and dark winter mornings are a feature of the season across the European continent. If you are on the lookout for some advice and inspiration on how to keep your energy up at this time of year, this blog is for you! We asked our team what helps them to get out of bed and do their best work, even “in the dark”, here’s what they said:

1. Appreciation and gratitude

“Every morning, when I wake up, I always tell myself one thing and only one thing – “Be glad that you are able to wake up this morning”. When I say this, it is a reminder to myself that life is what you make of it and what you tell yourself. I look around me and see all the things that I have, instead of seeing things that I don’t have or wish I had.” - Hemanth Jayaraman, Head of dentsu X Malaysia

We often think about the future – from planning our office commute, to thinking about our yearly goals – the future can scare, excite and challenge us, but that can go hand in hand with anxiety. A mind that always wanders about what is next is never at peace. Slowing down, looking around and being grounded in your present reality, and being grateful for what you have, may help de-stress.

2. Plan ahead

“If you’re a parent, you don’t need a bigger motivator to get you out of bed every morning but your kid(s). If you’re not – just think about that one thing that you truly want to change tomorrow, wake up and… do it!” - Rumiana Yakimova, HR Business Partner, dentsu X Southeast Europe

Ambition whispers to us to wake up and change the world, but it is a lot of pressure to carry on our shoulders. Plan achievable things that would excite you enough to get out of bed and start your day.

3. Improvement over reinvention

“See every day as an opportunity and think of what you can do better each day.” - Panupong Lertrassameechit, Group Business Director, dentsu X Palette

Don’t waste your efforts reinventing the wheel every time, sometimes the best thing is to improve, build upon something that is already there. Work with someone building on each other’s ideas. Working together is often more motivating than putting your head down on your own.

4. Time flies

“On a day I don’t want to get out of bed I ask myself one simple question - if not now, when? Every minute passes never to return, so go and follow your dreams now!” - Punrasi Ko-slanund, Planning Director, dX Cubic team

Sometimes it’s a matter of the first step, the first couple of minutes. Master up the energy and motivation for that first push – it’s often much easier to keep going than to start!

5. Be your own sunshine

“I must admit, I love to sleep. So, for me, it’s very difficult to wake up every morning with a smile on my face. On top of that I prefer sunny days, but I live in Milan, so I don’t always get what I want.

Do you want to know the truth? I found the Sun inside me! For sure, waking up beside my lovely husband and my sweet baby boy brings me joy every single day. But, sometimes, this isn’t enough. On those days I need to remind myself how much I love my work and how lucky I am to have my dream job! I followed my passion for advertising, studying and later working in the field, so my ambition drives me to do my best every day.

If I could give you a piece of advice: surround yourself with love and find a job that you love a lot! Love can change you and your world!” - Giulia De Giorgio, Client leader, dentsu X

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