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Helping Communities Through Adversity


The Challenge

Demonstrating humility in the times of adversity

In the beginning of a global crisis and in a country with its own struggles, from poor infrastructure to cyclones, Generali’s values of caring, humility and proactive support were frequently lost on a price sensitive consumer.

The essence of the brand is compassion and we needed to communicate our point of difference showing how we went above and beyond for people in need of help.

The Strategy

Cutting through adversity with meaningful acts

In times of change, we needed to react quickly by diverting budget from now redundant out-of-home placements to fund life-saving solutions.

We began transporting doctors and nurses in 14 Generali-branded busses to the hardest hit regions of the country. They provided essential care while we made sure to highlight the amazing work they were doing in real-time via digital channels.

The Results

Setting records

The campaign established Generali as a caring and compassionate brand that made real positive difference to people’s lives. The online campaign delivered 2.537M engagements and reached over 5M people. We set a new search record for ‘Generali’ in the 3 weeks after the campaign.

Generali Vietnam is now the most customer recommended market, measured through RNPS, across the entire globe, increasing by a remarkable 20% during this campaign alone.

  • 7,574 health consultations
  • 5M people reached
  • 355% over expectations