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Media Trends 2022


November 15, 2021

Marketing & advertising post pandemic trends

Necessity is the mother of invention. Times of crisis and recession have been, in retrospect, times of enormous opportunity and innovation, and times of growth for those who make the right decisions.

Marketing and advertising industries have felt signs of major uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic. Back in 2020, brands didn’t want or didn’t know how to communicate with consumers, in order to win their trust and loyalty.

After 2 years, marketing & advertising organizations are in high demand post pandemic.

Discover the current and ongoing trends.

Media Trends for 2022: What to expect

Technologies and ways of working that might have seemed an interesting experiment in other times have become essential.

In this report we look at three megatrends that are helping to define the recovery, each with smaller manifestations or sub-trends, with major implications for brands.

Sanjay Nazerali, dentsu X Global Client and Brand President: "Brands are looking to connect heart and head to tell wonderful stories and create compelling experiences, especially if they drive revenue."

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